Wednesday, November 1, 2023

When it comes to Ontario grown artists, whether it be music, dance, or visual arts, the creative community here is bursting with talent.

 When it comes to Ontario grown artists, whether it be music, dance, or visual arts, the creative community here is bursting with talent. For many Ontario grown artists, it’s a labour of love working hard to spread the joy of their creations to others. Small time art is usually the product of dedicated effort and hard work over a number of years, creating a strong sense of pride and accomplishment when it finally reaches the public.

It can take years of putting in the time and becoming friends with peers and mentors, honing skills and developing confidence before a talented artist sets off on their journey to share their work. But at the same time, it’s also true that just a few street performances or a single live stream can reach an entirely new audience and make a lasting impact. There’s no denying that when everyone takes the right steps, small time art can spread big time smiles.

So if you’re an Ontario grown artist or a passionate supporter, then it’s time to step it up! Strike while the iron is hot, and take the brave steps forward to help Ontario grown art reach its full potential. Share your work on social media; create compelling content and offer it to the world; collaborate with other talented artists; and don’t forget to keep creating and trying out new things. If not now, when? The sky’s the limit – it’s time to make the most of it!

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We are a group of people who loves to travel, wear t-shirts, and have fun.

  We are a group of people who loves to travel, wear t-shirts, and have fun. Our t-shirts are a reflection of this passion in our lives. The...