Wednesday, November 1, 2023

My art is a record of my daydreams; an exploration into the intangible world of my imagination, of existing and yet-to-exist ideas; it is an image of the places I’d like to be and the things I'd like to be doing.

 My art is a record of my daydreams; an exploration into the intangible world of my imagination, of existing and yet-to-exist ideas; it is an image of the places I’d like to be and the things I'd like to be doing. It is an expression of those thoughts, feelings and ideas that though elusive, suddenly become vivid during moments of escapism. It is tangible evidence that I am more than just a mundane existence of the nine-to-five and the mundane; it proves that I have dreams, big and small, and that I am determined to give them life, one brushstroke at a time. Through my art, I attempt to keep those daydreams close, and use them as a beacon of hope — hope that I can still create, and that with conscious effort, nothing is ever out of my reach.

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