Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hi, I'm a digital artist that has been creating drawings for a few years now!

 Hi, I'm a digital artist that has been creating drawings for a few years now! I started out just doodling on paper, but as I got older I started to expand my skills and move into digital art. I'm constantly learning new techniques and tools to help bring my drawings to life. I'm particularly fond of vibrant colors and intricate details but I also love the simplicity of using basic colors and shapes. My skillset includes using programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Paint Tool Sai to create my artwork. I'm interested in fantasy, science fiction and anything that lets my imagination run wild. From planets, to creatures, to personalities, I like to explore stories and worlds through my artwork. I'm also very open to trying new ideas and making my art ever-evolving. I'm excited to continue my creative journey and keep perfecting my skills as a digital artist!

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