Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Ben is an exceptional traveler who uses his journeys to explore the world, learn new cultures, and experience a diversity of landscapes and activities.

 Ben is an exceptional traveler who uses his journeys to explore the world, learn new cultures, and experience a diversity of landscapes and activities. At the same time, Ben is a passionate designer who has made it his life-long mission to create elegant products and spaces for others to enjoy. His travels have been invaluable for artistic inspiration to complement his knowledgeable skill set. From the remarkable vistas of Morocco to the intricate architecture of India, Ben's voyages bring together an array of influences to his designs. His work is influenced by the vivid colors, bold shapes, and intricate details he comes across, carrying the vibrancy of the places he visited back home with him. Ben has naturally taken his mortarboard from student to teacher, joining the Design Research Lab and collaborating with esteemed institutions such as the MIT Media Lab. Continuously exploring his environment and transcribing his findings into his designs, Ben believes in designing for tomorrow and building something that lasts for generations. His enviable travels have been essential in bringing his designs to life and with his purposeful approach, we look forward to seeing the spaces he creates next.

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We are a group of people who loves to travel, wear t-shirts, and have fun.

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